Art Inspired Collaborative
Story Telling! Storybird reverses the process of visual storytelling by starting
with the image and "unlocking" the story inside. Choose an artist or a theme,
get inspired, and start writing!
"The writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master- something that at times strangely wills and works for itself."
Charlotte Bronte
Charlotte Bronte
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Storybird Writing - Art Inspired Collaborative Story Telling
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Grammar - Subject and Predicate
Tell me three things you learned from this video. (Post your response.)
Monday, December 2, 2013
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
"As writers, we learn most of what we know just by watching the pros, don't we?" ~John R. Trimble
Mentor Sentence of The Week:
The car passes and you can't see through the dark windows and you can hear the snow crunching under the tires, squeaky and frozen.
Freak the Mighty
Rodman Philbrick
The car passes and you can't see through the dark windows and you can hear the snow crunching under the tires, squeaky and frozen.
Freak the Mighty
Rodman Philbrick
Monday, November 25, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Hana's Suitcase Retell Activity - Who were the Nazis?
Look at 4 different responses to that question and we will discuss the merits of each.
Identify the best response and develop Success Criteria - reasons why the response is the best.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Writing Contest - gr. 4-8
Open the above link and read over the contest rules. I am looking forward to seeing your submissions.
Open the above link and read over the contest rules. I am looking forward to seeing your submissions.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Learning Skills - Prezi
Criteria For Interview
Note - You will be sharing your Prezi with your families during Interview Time
Note - You will be sharing your Prezi with your families during Interview Time
- Contains at LEAST 6 slides – each slide should be a short paragraph
- 3 goals (wishes)
- 3 accomplishments (stars)
- Explains why you have chosen each star and wish – justify it with examples from class
- Wishes – 1 should be a learning skill, 1 academic, 1 of your choice
- Stars – 1 should be a learning skill, 1 academic, 1 of your choice
- Wishes – describe what you will do to accomplish this goal (example: work on it at home, follow criteria better, share ideas more in class)
Understanding the
Learning Skills
Independent Work
-Stay on task and focused when working in class -Follow teacher instructions without reminders -able to complete independent work independently because I listened and paid attention to the lesson when Mrs. O'Hara was teaching Responsibility
-Have school supplies in class (not left at home, not left in backpack) -returning items that are supposed to be signed -Make sure you are on your best behaviour and you think before you act - Come to class prepared to learn, complete homework every night - Visit the classroom Blog on a regular basis to comment, complete assignments, or post ideas that are well detailed Organization
-School supplies are organized (your sheets are in your binders neatly and properly; you take care of your items; your desk is clean) -Your school work is organized and neat -You use your agenda to keep timelines (bringing in things at a scheduled time like gym clothes, money, homework, projects) Collaboration
-Use kind words to your classmates and listen to their ideas -You help your group by offering ideas -You don’t distract your group members; you make sure you stay on task -Try to solve conflicts with kind words -Works well with others in small and large group situations; is a group member that participates - Establishes a healthy relationship with everyone in the class - Takes on a leadership role during group work - Shares information in class discussions that shows critical thinking - Contributes to classroom discussions on a regular basis Self-Regulation
-Use teacher feedback (written/oral conversations and meetings with Mrs. O'Hara) and apply it to my work next time -Look for ways to improve (Goal setting) by being self reflective and assessing my own strengths and weaknesses -develop strategies for myself to improve my work -I check the criteria that has been created for any task I need to complete Initiative
-Try to solve any problems or questions by myself, before asking Mrs. O'Hara -Have a positive attitude about class activities and I always make sure I am doing my best work -Look for ways to add detail and extra effort to my work -Willing to share ideas in small and large group situations - I seek help when needed, and help others if I see a need
Example Paragraph:-Stay on task and focused when working in class -Follow teacher instructions without reminders -able to complete independent work independently because I listened and paid attention to the lesson when Mrs. O'Hara was teaching Responsibility
-Have school supplies in class (not left at home, not left in backpack) -returning items that are supposed to be signed -Make sure you are on your best behaviour and you think before you act - Come to class prepared to learn, complete homework every night - Visit the classroom Blog on a regular basis to comment, complete assignments, or post ideas that are well detailed Organization
-School supplies are organized (your sheets are in your binders neatly and properly; you take care of your items; your desk is clean) -Your school work is organized and neat -You use your agenda to keep timelines (bringing in things at a scheduled time like gym clothes, money, homework, projects) Collaboration
-Use kind words to your classmates and listen to their ideas -You help your group by offering ideas -You don’t distract your group members; you make sure you stay on task -Try to solve conflicts with kind words -Works well with others in small and large group situations; is a group member that participates - Establishes a healthy relationship with everyone in the class - Takes on a leadership role during group work - Shares information in class discussions that shows critical thinking - Contributes to classroom discussions on a regular basis Self-Regulation
-Use teacher feedback (written/oral conversations and meetings with Mrs. O'Hara) and apply it to my work next time -Look for ways to improve (Goal setting) by being self reflective and assessing my own strengths and weaknesses -develop strategies for myself to improve my work -I check the criteria that has been created for any task I need to complete Initiative
-Try to solve any problems or questions by myself, before asking Mrs. O'Hara -Have a positive attitude about class activities and I always make sure I am doing my best work -Look for ways to add detail and extra effort to my work -Willing to share ideas in small and large group situations - I seek help when needed, and help others if I see a need
I think I did really well in collaboration on my learning skills. Any time there was either partner or group work, I made sure I stayed on task and fulfilled my responsibilities. I didn’t sit around simply waiting for my group members to complete the tasks. I made sure that I contributed and that I listened to the ideas of all my group members. I allowed them to voice their ideas and questions and did not try to talk over them so that I could be heard. I waited for my turn to speak after making sure I listened to my group members. I also made sure that everyone in my group understood how we were completing the task. I made certain that everyone had a role they could play _- I did not take over and do it all myself. Instead, I made sure we worked as a team. I also made sure that I collaborated in any class discussions we were having. I wanted to be an active participant in my learning so I voiced my ideas and opinions whenever we were talking as a class. This way Mrs. O'Hara could see if I was following the lesson and I myself could see if I was understanding what we were talking about!
Wish Example Paragraph:
I need to try to add more detail to all of the tasks that I complete. Sometimes my blog responses were extremely brief and lacked detail. I often rushed to complete my tasks instead of taking my time. I need to make sure that I am constantly checking the criteria that we create in class to ensure that I am meeting the expectations of my teacher. I also need to read over everything I do and ask myself : “Is there any room for further detail? Can I explain myself more clearly somewhere?” Everything I submit for assessment needs to reflect my true potential and show what I am really capable of. I can also ask some of my classmates to read my work over before I submit it. I will choose classmates who always put 100 percent into everything they do, to read over my work.
Friday, November 8, 2013
National Novel Writing Month
Open the above link and explore. If you are interested in writing a is the time to begin.
Open the above link and explore. If you are interested in writing a is the time to begin.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Descriptive Writing - Use to help you write your paragraph on your Monster in A Jar
What makes this passage so descriptive? (Post your answers.)
Monday, October 28, 2013
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Create Your Own Superhero
You will be using the following website to create/design your superhero: This website allows you to save and download your creation so that you can insert it into other programs like Microsoft Word and Prezi.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Big Idea
What is the big idea in this song? Post your response.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Amanda's Mind Muser - The Cavendish Home for Boys and Girls!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Mind Muser
"How long have you been trapped here with Mrs. Cavendish?" said Victoria during lunch. She put down her sandwich. The meat was rubbery and rank with a strange spice.
"I’ve been here 8 weeks," said Jacqueline.
A tiny girl with two black braids squeaked, "For me it’s been five days."
"I don’t even know," said a girl with brown hair and glasses, "I’m pretty sure it’s been more than a year though… my name is Amanda by the way!"
"I don’t know how long anyone’s going to stay," Amanda said.
"But we do know," said Jacqueline, leaning closer, "that nobody stays past their thirteenth birthday."
Amanda and some other children nodded solemnly as they ate.
Then Victoria noticed how fake Amanda’s movements seemed, her face looked like plastic as if they were dolls.
"Why do you look like that?" Victoria asked.
"Look like what?" said Amanda.
"Like... dolls or puppets or something," said Victoria.
"I don't know," said Amanda, examining her hands, "she changes you... you’ll see in coaching."
"What’s coaching?" said Victoria.
"It’s when she fixes you," Amanda explained "she makes you stop doing whatever you’re doing that made her take you here in the first place."
"Oh..." said Victoria, "That sounds awful!"
"It is," said Amanda.
"What does she do to you?" asked Victoria.
Just as Amanda was about to answer they heard footsteps. "Uh oh!" said Amanda "She’s coming!!"
The gofers were running around bumping into each other.
The girl with black braids choked on her food. Jacqueline thumped her shoulder and said, "Pull it together Caroline."
Immediately the table went silent as Mrs. Cavendish walked into the room.
"Hello children," said Mrs. Cavendish in a sickly sweet voice, "Lunch is over," she smiled. It was then when Victoria realized she would be finding out more about coaching in a few minutes, "Time for class…
![]() |
There's something evil in the shadows. |
By: Luke and Gary Paulsen
The memory was like a knife cutting into us, the secret, divorce and anger.
"Luke!" cried out Brian, I turned and laughed at what I saw, because what I saw was, Brian covered in flies; then it started happening to me and they went into my nose and all around me, surrounding me. When the sun came up completely the bugs went away the swelling came on, we could barely see anything our eyes were forced to nearly shut completely.
"I can barely see!" I said.
"Well swellings or not we still need water, I’m so thirsty!" said Brian.
"Yeah," I replied. So Brian went on the log - the one hanging over the lake-and drank, and drank, and drank.
"Hey! Don’t drain the lake! I still want some water!" then he came back to shore and I went out, then I drank, and drank, and drank. But when I turned back, I saw vomit on the sand.
"That yours?" I pointed to the vomit on the shore, and Brian said, "Yep."
Then I vomited into the lake.
"Hey!" I said, "We still need food!"
"Yeah!" said Brian.
HOLES - By Aidan
I was just sent to ‘Camp Green Lake,’ don’t ask me why. I was minding my own business, when a cop car pulled over beside me and told me to get in. So, naturally, I came with him. Next thing I knew, I was on this un-airconditioned bus, heading to this place called Camp Green Lake. Well, I can tell you, there’s no lake.
So, after about 8 or 9 hours of sweltering heat on the bus, we finally pulled in onto a dry (like everything else) sunken-in piece of land. Guess that’s where the lake used to be. So, I got out of the bus. I was led to a building that looked like it had been sunbathed for the last 40 years, and was nudged inside.
Inside the building, there was a man sitting on a chair, eating sunflower seeds. He had the smell of tobacco on him, like he had just quit smoking.
"This ain’t Girl Scouts, boy," said the man.
"Who are you?" I said.
The man got up from his chair and said, "I’m Mr. Sir. As I said before, this ain’t Girl Scouts."
"Okaaay..." I said, sarcastically. "Don’t you DARE talk to me that way, you brat, or I’ll punch your lights out!" Mr. Sir bellowed at me. He raised his fist, I flinched. "Wimp," Mr. Sir said.
Mr. Sir pushed me outside, into the hot sun, AGAIN, and I was led to a building. I was told that I would be assigned to a group. I was assigned to group D. I was led to another, smaller building, which was supposed to be group D. I entered the building and was greeted with a couple of kids, maybe 6 or 7. One had glasses, a couple were tall, there was a dark-skinned boy who was very small and thin. They all were dressed in orange jail-ish
"Hi," said one of the boys. "I’m Stanley Yelnats" the boy said.
"So, why are you here?" asked another kid, who was wearing mud-coated glasses, that I guess hadn’t been cleaned in the last 50 years.
"Well," I replied, "I don’t really know. I was picked up by some truck. They brought me to this bus, and made me get on. They told me I was going to ‘Camp Green Lake’. This is, I take it, Camp Green Lake."
"Yep," said the boy with the glasses.
"I wonder why this kid got sent here if he didn’t do anything," said another boy.
"Yeah, you go think on that, X-Ray," said Stanley.
"Oh, by the way, my name is Aidan," I said.
I was told that I would be digging holes 5 deep and wide in any direction. I was also given a pair of the orange clothing everyone else was wearing. I was also told that I would have a free day today, to wait. I was starting to snore from boredom, because I had been just laying in a cot for the last 5 or 6 hours, when Mr. Sir burst into the building.
"Hey, Girl Scout! Looks like you’re free to go!" he said. "What? How!?" I said, startled! "Turns out you are innocent. There was a spree of small corner-store robberies, and the description of the criminal matched you. He was just found in his home, down in Oakville. We found him with over $2000, a pile of candy, and 10 lottery tickets," Mr. Sir said.
"Where any of the tickets winners?" I asked sarcastically.
"Sadly no. But, if you’ll just come with me, you’ll be back home in the next 9 or 10 hours, give or take a few centuries," he said.
After a quick goodbye to the kids at Group D, getting back on the bus, and a 10 hour drive, I was finally back home.
"Aidan!" cried Mom. "You’re back!" she added.
"Amazing observation, Mom..." I said. Dad was at work, he didn’t even know that I was back. What a surprise he got when he got home!
I was treated to a beautiful dinner, CORN DOGS and Coke. I was so happy that I was back home...
I was just sent to ‘Camp Green Lake,’ don’t ask me why. I was minding my own business, when a cop car pulled over beside me and told me to get in. So, naturally, I came with him. Next thing I knew, I was on this un-airconditioned bus, heading to this place called Camp Green Lake. Well, I can tell you, there’s no lake.
So, after about 8 or 9 hours of sweltering heat on the bus, we finally pulled in onto a dry (like everything else) sunken-in piece of land. Guess that’s where the lake used to be. So, I got out of the bus. I was led to a building that looked like it had been sunbathed for the last 40 years, and was nudged inside.
Inside the building, there was a man sitting on a chair, eating sunflower seeds. He had the smell of tobacco on him, like he had just quit smoking.
"This ain’t Girl Scouts, boy," said the man.
"Who are you?" I said.
The man got up from his chair and said, "I’m Mr. Sir. As I said before, this ain’t Girl Scouts."
"Okaaay..." I said, sarcastically. "Don’t you DARE talk to me that way, you brat, or I’ll punch your lights out!" Mr. Sir bellowed at me. He raised his fist, I flinched. "Wimp," Mr. Sir said.
Mr. Sir pushed me outside, into the hot sun, AGAIN, and I was led to a building. I was told that I would be assigned to a group. I was assigned to group D. I was led to another, smaller building, which was supposed to be group D. I entered the building and was greeted with a couple of kids, maybe 6 or 7. One had glasses, a couple were tall, there was a dark-skinned boy who was very small and thin. They all were dressed in orange jail-ish
"Hi," said one of the boys. "I’m Stanley Yelnats" the boy said.
"So, why are you here?" asked another kid, who was wearing mud-coated glasses, that I guess hadn’t been cleaned in the last 50 years.
"Well," I replied, "I don’t really know. I was picked up by some truck. They brought me to this bus, and made me get on. They told me I was going to ‘Camp Green Lake’. This is, I take it, Camp Green Lake."
"Yep," said the boy with the glasses.
"I wonder why this kid got sent here if he didn’t do anything," said another boy.
"Yeah, you go think on that, X-Ray," said Stanley.
"Oh, by the way, my name is Aidan," I said.
I was told that I would be digging holes 5 deep and wide in any direction. I was also given a pair of the orange clothing everyone else was wearing. I was also told that I would have a free day today, to wait. I was starting to snore from boredom, because I had been just laying in a cot for the last 5 or 6 hours, when Mr. Sir burst into the building.
"Hey, Girl Scout! Looks like you’re free to go!" he said. "What? How!?" I said, startled! "Turns out you are innocent. There was a spree of small corner-store robberies, and the description of the criminal matched you. He was just found in his home, down in Oakville. We found him with over $2000, a pile of candy, and 10 lottery tickets," Mr. Sir said.
"Where any of the tickets winners?" I asked sarcastically.
"Sadly no. But, if you’ll just come with me, you’ll be back home in the next 9 or 10 hours, give or take a few centuries," he said.
After a quick goodbye to the kids at Group D, getting back on the bus, and a 10 hour drive, I was finally back home.
"Aidan!" cried Mom. "You’re back!" she added.
"Amazing observation, Mom..." I said. Dad was at work, he didn’t even know that I was back. What a surprise he got when he got home!
I was treated to a beautiful dinner, CORN DOGS and Coke. I was so happy that I was back home...
Cat's Mind Muser!!!!! Prepare to be blown away!!!!!!! Fine, Not really... Well, Maybe! Just Read It!!!!!!!!
Awake and Dreaming Mind Muser
She sat beside her mother on the bus, when she noticed a girl looking at her that was sitting on the other side of her, looking at her with a warm smile."Ummm... Do I know you?" Theo asked.
"Not yet you don’t. I’m Cat by the way," the girl replied, "Why don’t you come with me? It’s my stop anyway."
Rae was asleep, so Theo followed Cat. She was in this strange place, full of colour and cleanliness, not grey and mould.
She went to this place called Canadian Martyrs, and saw a whole bunch of different classrooms. Once she was led to the library, her jaw dropped. It was the biggest library Theo had ever seen! Then, she heard Rae’s voice, very loud and stern, saying, "Theo, Theo!"
Theo saw everything start to fade. She turned to Cat, yelling for help, but all she did was start to fade as well. This time, she was the one yelling for help. Theo ran toward her tried to grab her hand, but it was too late. She was gone.
The library completely faded as well, and Theo was back on the bus.
"Theo, stop daydreaming! This is our stop!" It was Rae. The library. The girl. It was all a dream, but maybe they did exist, but in another place, another world. Just maybe, she will be able to find it.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Olivia's Mind Muser
Chapter 2
I was waiting for Mau to return from the Boy’s Island with everyone else in the Nation. He would be a man soon. Everybody was waiting at the water’s edge for Mau to return. Suddenly a giant wave was coming towards the Nation. I ran away as far as I could because the wave was too big. I hid in Big Pig Valley and stayed there until the wave would pass.The next day I came out of Big Pig Valley and the village was gone. The wave sliced it off the island. I looked around and saw a few stumps marking where the long house had stood since... forever. I wonder if Mau survived the wave. I heard someone screaming names. I wondered who it was. I saw the wave, nobody survived but me, at least that’s what I think. I ran towards where I heard the screams coming from. I saw someone running up the long slope and past the lower fields. I followed them quickly. They were running towards the Women’s Place, but it was a man; they weren’t allowed there. I eventually got to the Women’s Place and I saw Mau. He had survived the wave!
He went back down the fields and grabbed a broken branch, and flailed ineffectively at the birds. I found a branch and did the same. There were bodies everywhere in the area just above where the scoured land where the village had been. At first they were hard to see as they were tangled with debris and grey as the ashen mud.
"Wow," I said, Mau turned around and saw me.
"You survived the wave?" He asked me. "How?"
"I ran to Big Pig Valley," I told him.
"Oh," He said. "We have to move these bodies, the pigs are coming down soon and they’ll eat..."
I knew what he was going to say.
"That’s a good idea."
I watched Mau look for bodies. He was careful and gentle. He found a body and he dragged it carefully down to the beach to the point where you could see the current. Mau found rocks and big coral lumps and tie them to the body with papervine. Then he took his knife and cut the spirit hole. Then he pulled the body out into the waves where the current sinks and he let it go. Mau did this again and again with every body he found.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Katherine's Mind Muser
Chapter 16
the odd couple
At exactly half past three that afternoon, under a brightly shining sun and clear blue sky, Miss Scrimmage’s top music student began the opening cords of the Wedding March.
Down the red carpet came Miss Peabody on the arm of Mr. Sturgeon.
She looked beautiful. Mr. Sturgeon told himself ‘why do I have the honor to take her up to the altar? ’. Miss Peabody’s dress was shinning with lace and satin. She had objected firmly to wearing the veil but Cathy and Diane had persuaded her to wear her hair down – she wasn’t even close to intimidating with her outfit and hair different.
Once Miss Peabody was on the altar (Mr. Sturgeon’s job was done [much to his relief]), the ceremony began.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered…"
To me, it when on and on and on and on.
"I now pronounce you man and wife." said the Justice of the Peace.
Suddenly, there was a crack. And then there it was again crack, crack! The window of the guest cottage shattered into a million pieces.
The house began to lose bricks and more windows cracked and broke.
Everyone was staring at the cottage.
"Run!" cried Mr. Wizzle.
Then, there came a hissing sound. ‘Oh no! ’ thought Boots.
The hissing sound grew louder and louder still! An immense shadow shaded the lawn – a great big balloon 10 meters high was the cause of this shadow. It had the unmistakeable features of Mr. Wizzle. On his white shirt was a red W.
Miss Peabody (now Mrs. Wizzle) laughed delightedly. "Look, Wizzle! It’s you!"
Kyle's Mind Muser
When Meg woke to the jangling of her alarm clock the wind was still blowing but the sun was shining; the worst of the storm was over. She got up and walked down to the kitchen table. Kyle was sitting down at the table and was listening to music. "Kyle!" Yelled Meg.
"Yeah?" He replied.
"Can you help me become more cool in school please?" Meg said.
"Cause everybody makes fun of me and I need help."
"Yeah sure!" Said Kyle.
"Thanks", said Meg.
So Meg and Kyle went to school and they both went to their home room, room 11. In room 11, a lot of fun stuff goes on. There are computers, Ipads, a smartboard, and much more. We also go on a lot of class trips. Meg hates class trips because she doesn’t like travelling apart from school and home.
"Wow..." Said Meg.
"What?" Kyle asked.
"I can’t believe that you are sooo popular but I’m a moron."
"Don’t Be so hard on yourself Meg," Replied Kyle. "It will be alright."
"Ok, whatever you say."
So on went the bus ride and I sat with all of my friends while Meg sat beside me moaning angrily. She looked outside and saw a HUGE black thing.
"Maybe that’s the tesseract mother was talking about..." She murmured.
"What did you say?" Kyle asked.
"Look, it’s the tesseract." She replied.
"I see nothing." Said Kyle. "I don’t see anything at all."
Maybe I’m just different from anyone else, that must be why I can’t fit in. Thought Meg. That huge black thing better be good cause if it’s not, were in trouble...
"Yeah?" He replied.
"Can you help me become more cool in school please?" Meg said.
"Cause everybody makes fun of me and I need help."
"Yeah sure!" Said Kyle.
"Thanks", said Meg.
So Meg and Kyle went to school and they both went to their home room, room 11. In room 11, a lot of fun stuff goes on. There are computers, Ipads, a smartboard, and much more. We also go on a lot of class trips. Meg hates class trips because she doesn’t like travelling apart from school and home.
"Wow..." Said Meg.
"What?" Kyle asked.
"I can’t believe that you are sooo popular but I’m a moron."
"Don’t Be so hard on yourself Meg," Replied Kyle. "It will be alright."
"Ok, whatever you say."
So on went the bus ride and I sat with all of my friends while Meg sat beside me moaning angrily. She looked outside and saw a HUGE black thing.
"Maybe that’s the tesseract mother was talking about..." She murmured.
"What did you say?" Kyle asked.
"Look, it’s the tesseract." She replied.
"I see nothing." Said Kyle. "I don’t see anything at all."
Maybe I’m just different from anyone else, that must be why I can’t fit in. Thought Meg. That huge black thing better be good cause if it’s not, were in trouble...
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Literature Circle Activity - Mind Muser/The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Making a book better by adding me 2013/4/29
"You liked the movie?" asked Ponyboy. "Sure, Paul Newman is the best!" I answered. We just got out of the movie theatre and were walking home, oblivious to what was soon to happen. Walking down Hewittisthebest Street we talked about how good the movie was and what we might want to see next. We slowed down. Something didn’t feel right, so I asked P-boy, "Does something feel off to you?" to which he answered "Yeah, somethin don’t feel right". As soon as he said that the first of the cars rolled down the street. It was from a gang of people who attack people like me and P-boy. The dirty un-kempt greasers, so we sped up hoping that we could make it to Hewittisstillthebest Street before the rest of the gang members showed up. It was too late, me and P-boy where surrounded, but luckily I flew out of the situation, using sheer willpower and said, "Good luck, I’ll go get the others," and with that I was off, but I got ice cream instead of the gang and pony got a haircut.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
What does it mean? Due Fri., April 19th (in class work)
Describe the origins and meanings of foreign words or phrases used frequently in written English (e.g., carpe diem, caveat emptor, carte blanche, tete a tete, pas de deux, bon appetit, quid pro quo). Hand in your answers. Can you come up with any other examples. Post your new examples.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Sam and Chris - Batman Mystery Scene Diorama
Friday, April 5, 2013
Luke's Mystery Scene Diorama - The Westing Game
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Mitchell, Aidan, & Kyle - Mystery Scene Diorama
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Cat & Beth - Awesome Mystery Scene Diorama
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Mystery/Crime Scene Dioramas
Watch four of the mystery/crime scene dioramas. Which one did you think was the most well done and why? Which one piqued your interest and made you want to read the book? Use clear examples based on what you observed and heard. (Post your answer). Make sure you include the title of the diorama in your response.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
First Nations - Legend
Read the following legend The Granddaughter who was Eaten by a Big Fish.
After you have finished reading the legend, respond to the following question and post it as a comment:
What is the big idea in this legend? What lesson were First Nations people trying to teach by telling this story?
The Granddaughter who was Eaten by a Big Fish
This is a story about Gookum (Cree word for “grandmother”) and her mischievous granddaughter, Beulah. Beulah was a very curious little girl. She was always wandering off from the camp, looking for adventures. Gookum was always telling her to listen. One day, Gookum asked Beulah to get some water from the lake so she could make soup.
“Whatever you do, don’t go swimming in the lake alone,” said Gookum.
“Why not?” asked Beulah.
“Because there is a giant fish in that lake, and he will catch you and swallow you up if you swim too far.”
“Eeeeeya, Gookum. I’m not afraid of a big fish.”
So, Beulah went off to collect the water. Oh, it was a nice warm day. The sun shone brightly. A squirrel chattered as she walked along the path.
“Go away, silly squirrel. I am busy.”
A butterfly flew around the girl. She ran around in circles trying to catch the butterfly until it flew away. “I am really hot now,” Beulah said to herself. Finally, Beulah came to the lake. She went to the big rock where Gookum had showed her to stand to get water. She dipped her buckets in the lake. They filled up quickly. Those buckets were heavy now. She had to be very careful when she carried them to the shore, they were so heavy. With a cup, she scooped out the little sticks and leaves that floated on the top. She was ready to carry them back now.
Carrying the buckets made Beulah tired. She lay down next to the water, in a nice spot on a large flat rock. The sun shone on her. She was very hot, so she took off her shirt. A blue jay landed in a tree next to the path. The blue jay squawked at her.
“You noisy old bird. Stop disturbing me.” The blue jay flew away.
Beulah decided to have a quick swim, just to cool off before she took the water back for Gookum. She removed all of her clothes and dived in.
The water was nice and cool. Beulah was a good swimmer. She decided she would swim out as far as she could. As she swam out, Beulah saw a huge silver flash in the water. It was a great big fish, and with one gulp, it swallowed her whole! Beulah found she was trapped in the stomach of the huge fish Gookum had warned her about.
“Oh no,” she cried. “I should have listened to Gookum!”
Beulah had been gone a long time. Gookum thought that she had found an adventure and forgotten to get water. There was no point in worrying about her — there were chores to be done around camp. She cut wood and made dinner. When Beulah wasn’t home by night, Gookum was worried, but she knew the little girl was able to take care of herself in the woods.
The next day, Beulah still was not back. Gookum needed food, so she gathered the fishing net and went down to the lake. She caught six fish. One was a huge creature that stretched as long as her arms and more. That big fish would feed a whole family for a week. She started cutting up all the fish. When she finally got to the big fish, she slid the knife into the belly. Beulah jumped out, very much alive.
At first, Gookum was startled, but she quickly realized it was Beulah, who was covered head to toe in slimy, sticky fish innards. She shook her head at Beulah, and began to laugh at her. “I told you, I told you not to swim in the lake.” Beulah bowed her head and said nothing. She just went to the lake to clean off all the smelly fish slime.
After you have finished reading the legend, respond to the following question and post it as a comment:
What is the big idea in this legend? What lesson were First Nations people trying to teach by telling this story?
The Granddaughter who was Eaten by a Big Fish
This is a story about Gookum (Cree word for “grandmother”) and her mischievous granddaughter, Beulah. Beulah was a very curious little girl. She was always wandering off from the camp, looking for adventures. Gookum was always telling her to listen. One day, Gookum asked Beulah to get some water from the lake so she could make soup.
“Whatever you do, don’t go swimming in the lake alone,” said Gookum.
“Why not?” asked Beulah.
“Because there is a giant fish in that lake, and he will catch you and swallow you up if you swim too far.”
“Eeeeeya, Gookum. I’m not afraid of a big fish.”
So, Beulah went off to collect the water. Oh, it was a nice warm day. The sun shone brightly. A squirrel chattered as she walked along the path.
“Go away, silly squirrel. I am busy.”
A butterfly flew around the girl. She ran around in circles trying to catch the butterfly until it flew away. “I am really hot now,” Beulah said to herself. Finally, Beulah came to the lake. She went to the big rock where Gookum had showed her to stand to get water. She dipped her buckets in the lake. They filled up quickly. Those buckets were heavy now. She had to be very careful when she carried them to the shore, they were so heavy. With a cup, she scooped out the little sticks and leaves that floated on the top. She was ready to carry them back now.
Carrying the buckets made Beulah tired. She lay down next to the water, in a nice spot on a large flat rock. The sun shone on her. She was very hot, so she took off her shirt. A blue jay landed in a tree next to the path. The blue jay squawked at her.
“You noisy old bird. Stop disturbing me.” The blue jay flew away.
Beulah decided to have a quick swim, just to cool off before she took the water back for Gookum. She removed all of her clothes and dived in.
The water was nice and cool. Beulah was a good swimmer. She decided she would swim out as far as she could. As she swam out, Beulah saw a huge silver flash in the water. It was a great big fish, and with one gulp, it swallowed her whole! Beulah found she was trapped in the stomach of the huge fish Gookum had warned her about.
“Oh no,” she cried. “I should have listened to Gookum!”
Beulah had been gone a long time. Gookum thought that she had found an adventure and forgotten to get water. There was no point in worrying about her — there were chores to be done around camp. She cut wood and made dinner. When Beulah wasn’t home by night, Gookum was worried, but she knew the little girl was able to take care of herself in the woods.
The next day, Beulah still was not back. Gookum needed food, so she gathered the fishing net and went down to the lake. She caught six fish. One was a huge creature that stretched as long as her arms and more. That big fish would feed a whole family for a week. She started cutting up all the fish. When she finally got to the big fish, she slid the knife into the belly. Beulah jumped out, very much alive.
At first, Gookum was startled, but she quickly realized it was Beulah, who was covered head to toe in slimy, sticky fish innards. She shook her head at Beulah, and began to laugh at her. “I told you, I told you not to swim in the lake.” Beulah bowed her head and said nothing. She just went to the lake to clean off all the smelly fish slime.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
St. Patrick
Open the above link and read this short biography about St. Patrick. Watch the two short video clips below. Although some of the facts may be different what are the important messages about St. Patrick in all three sites?
Open the above link and read this short biography about St. Patrick. Watch the two short video clips below. Although some of the facts may be different what are the important messages about St. Patrick in all three sites?
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Kyle's Hockey Story (UNFINISHED) D:
Finally! The day has come! Today is the day I compete in the championship game for gold. I'm so excited. I get up, get dressed, brush my teeth, and have a power breakfast. I flip on the television and put it on channel 59. The TSN (The Sports Network) channel comes on and all of the experts there are going on about the rivalry between the United States and Canada in hockey. I think this is going to be an interesting game to see who's the better team. It's now 9:00 am and I'm already pumped and ready to win the big game tonight. To pass time, I go outside and start taking shots on the hockey net setup outside of my garage. One hour has gone by already and I have to go soon.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Famous First Lines from Books - Scavenger Hunt
Read the opening lines of some famous/classic books. Find the author, name of the book, and the year it was written. Time yourself. Hand in your answers.
1. It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.
2. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
3. I am an invisible man.
4. You don't know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain't no matter.
5. When I wake up, the other side of the bed is cold.
6. In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.
7. You better not never tell nobody but God.
8. All children, except one, grow up.
9. In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines lived twelve little girls in two straight lines.
10. The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another his mother called him 'WILD THING!' and Max said 'I'LL EAT YOU UP!' so he was sent to bed without eating anything.
What do you think makes a great opening line to a story or novel? (Post your answers.)
1. It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen.
2. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.
3. I am an invisible man.
4. You don't know about me without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; but that ain't no matter.
5. When I wake up, the other side of the bed is cold.
6. In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.
7. You better not never tell nobody but God.
8. All children, except one, grow up.
9. In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines lived twelve little girls in two straight lines.
10. The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind and another his mother called him 'WILD THING!' and Max said 'I'LL EAT YOU UP!' so he was sent to bed without eating anything.
What do you think makes a great opening line to a story or novel? (Post your answers.)
Sarah McLachlan - World On Fire
Watch Sarah McLachlan’s video, World on Fire. While you watch the video, think about what the author’s message might be.
Question - What is the Big Idea in this song and video? (Post your answers. Remember the level 4 responses we looked at in class.) We will share your answers in class.
Remember: For each big idea, you should use the following formula:
Big Idea ——> Evidence from text (lyrics), images —— > Evidence from your own thinking
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Open the above link and create an oxymoron.
Open the above link and create an oxymoron.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Spelling & Vocabulary Practice - due Monday, Feb., 11th
Friday, February 8, 2013
Sky Audio Descriptive Advert - Painting Pictures With Words
After viewing the descriptive video above, write your own descriptive sentence or sentences below. Be sure to put your first name at the end of your picture perfect sentence.
Once you have posted your sentence or sentences pick your favourite and turn it into a Painting With Words.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Jabberwocky Poem
How is the above poem - Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll, like the poem
The Day the Dragons Won The Lottery?
Full text of Jabberwocky - above
Sunday, February 3, 2013
The Day the Dragons Won the Lottery - Poem
**Can I answer questions about the content and devices used in a poem?
The Day the Dragons Won the Lottery
they got staggery, swiggery, blotto-ry,
ziggery-zaggery, teetery, tottery,
proudly swaggery,
draggery flaggery,
loudly braggery. Rich or what-ery?
When the dragonry won the lottery.
Oops! A snaggery...Oh no nottery!
Just a tenner is all they gottery.
What a calamity! Sniffery snottery.
This is most certainly not what it ought to be.
Cursery, slaggery, weepery, watery.
Utterly agony. Heckery! Rottery!
When the dragonry won the lottery.
Answer the following questions –
1. What do you think a ‘dragonry’ is?
2. What exciting event happens in the first verse?
3. Which words help the reader to sense the dragon’s excitement?
4. Which line describes the dragons moving in a ‘show off’ type of way?
5. How do the dragons feel in the second verse and why?
6. Which words describe how the dragons feel in the second verse?
7. Can you write down all the examples of alliteration in the poem?
8. What repetition has been used in the poem?
9. What does ‘calamity’ mean?
10.Compare this poem to a poem with similar features? (Post your answer to this questions.)
8. What repetition has been used in the poem?
9. What does ‘calamity’ mean?
10.Compare this poem to a poem with similar features? (Post your answer to this questions.)
The Day the Dragons Won the Lottery - Poem
**Can I answer questions about the content and devices used in a poem?
The Day the Dragons Won the Lottery
they got staggery, swiggery, blotto-ry,
ziggery-zaggery, teetery, tottery,
proudly swaggery,
draggery flaggery,
loudly braggery. Rich or what-ery?
When the dragonry won the lottery.
Oops! A snaggery...Oh no nottery!
Just a tenner is all they gottery.
What a calamity! Sniffery snottery.
This is most certainly not what it ought to be.
Cursery, slaggery, weepery, watery.
Utterly agony. Heckery! Rottery!
When the dragonry won the lottery.
Answer the following questions –
1. What do you think a ‘dragonry’ is?
2. What exciting event happens in the first verse?
3. Which words help the reader to sense the dragon’s excitement?
4. Which line describes the dragons moving in a ‘show off’ type of way?
5. How do the dragons feel in the second verse and why?
6. Which words describe how the dragons feel in the second verse?
7. Can you write down all the examples of alliteration in the poem?
8. What repetition has been used in the poem?
9. What does ‘calamity’ mean?
10.Compare this poem to a poem with similar features? (Post your answer to this questions.)
8. What repetition has been used in the poem?
9. What does ‘calamity’ mean?
10.Compare this poem to a poem with similar features? (Post your answer to this questions.)
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