"The writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master- something that at times strangely wills and works for itself."
Charlotte Bronte

Sunday, March 3, 2013

St. Patrick

Open the above link and read this short biography about St. Patrick.  Watch the two short video clips below.  Although some of the facts may be different what are the important messages about St. Patrick in all three sites?


  1. In all three sites they explain that Saint Patrick was a good man that converted many people to the catholic religion. He was once a slave that was stolen from his family in England and brought to Ireland. He escaped and found his way back to England. He studied and became a priest and went back to Ireland not for revenge at the people who captured him, but to preach and spread the word of God.

  2. In the three different sites, they all tell how St. Patrick was an EXTREMELY holy man who prayed everyday and night. Even when St. Patrick was captured, he knew it was for a good cause. He was trying to spread the word of God. St. Patrick became a bishop and went back to who bought him and his slavery. The man was very happy to see Patrick.

  3. In all three sites it's saying that Saint Patrick was captured and brought to Ireland. When he was captured he prayed to God. He escaped because he had a dream where God told him to leave Ireland so he did. After he returned to England he had a dream where the people of Ireland called out to him and asked him to go back to Ireland. He then became a bishop and was sent to spread to word of God in Ireland.

  4. All of the sites basically say that he was kidnapped, brought to ireland, and used as a slave. After a while of praying to god he escaped and went back home. Later he went back to tell people about god. So the big idea is that if you pray, god will answer.

  5. St. Patrick was taken to Ireland by some pirates. He became and slave and watched animals every day. During the time in the day, he prayed to God to help him go back to his family and home. He finally got back to his home and family and became a priest.
    St. Patrick was a very holy man. He converted many to Christianity. He transformed lots of lives by his example of loving God and praying daily.
