"The writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master- something that at times strangely wills and works for itself."
Charlotte Bronte

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

"As writers, we learn most of what we know just by watching the pros, don't we?" ~John R. Trimble

Mentor Sentence of The Week:
The car passes and you can't see through the dark windows and you can hear the snow crunching under the tires, squeaky and frozen.

Freak the Mighty
Rodman Philbrick

Monday, November 25, 2013

What is an allegory?


Open the above link and read the story.  What is the Big Idea in this story? What is an allegory and how does it relate to this story?  Have you read other allegories and if so what were they?  How did you know they were allegories? 
What connections can you make between this story and Hana's Suitcase?

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hana's Suitcase Retell Activity - Who were the Nazis?

Look  at 4 different responses to that question and we will discuss the merits of each.
Identify the best response and develop Success Criteria - reasons why the response is the best.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Writing Contest - gr. 4-8

Open the above link and read over the contest rules.  I am looking forward to seeing your submissions.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Learning Skills - Prezi

Criteria For Interview Prezi 
Note - You will be sharing your Prezi with your families during Interview Time
  • Contains at LEAST 6 slides – each slide should be a short paragraph
  • 3 goals (wishes)
  • 3 accomplishments (stars)
  • Explains why you have chosen each star and wish – justify it with examples from class
  • Wishes – 1 should be a learning skill, 1 academic, 1 of your choice
  • Stars – 1 should be a learning skill, 1 academic, 1 of your choice
  • Wishes – describe what you will do to accomplish this goal (example: work on it at home, follow criteria better, share ideas more in class)
Understanding the Learning Skills
Independent Work
-Stay on task and focused when working in class
-Follow teacher instructions without reminders
-able to complete independent work independently because I listened and paid attention to the lesson when Mrs. O'Hara was teaching
-Have school supplies in class (not left at home, not left in backpack)
-returning items that are supposed to be signed
-Make sure you are on your best behaviour and you think before you act
- Come to class prepared to learn, complete homework every night
- Visit the classroom Blog on a regular basis to comment, complete assignments, or post ideas that are well detailed
-School supplies are organized (your sheets are in your binders neatly and properly; you take care of your items; your desk is clean)
-Your school work is organized and neat
-You use your agenda to keep timelines (bringing in things at a scheduled time like gym clothes, money, homework, projects)
-Use kind words to your classmates and listen to their ideas
-You help your group by offering ideas
-You don’t distract your group members; you make sure you stay on task
-Try to solve conflicts with kind words
-Works well with others in small and large group situations; is a group member that participates
- Establishes a healthy relationship with everyone in the class
- Takes on a leadership role during group work
- Shares information in class discussions that shows critical thinking
- Contributes to classroom discussions on a regular basis
-Use teacher feedback (written/oral conversations and meetings with Mrs. O'Hara) and apply it to my work next time
-Look for ways to improve (Goal setting) by being self reflective and assessing my own strengths and weaknesses
-develop strategies for myself to improve my work
-I check the criteria that has been created for any task I need to complete
-Try to solve any problems or questions by myself, before asking Mrs. O'Hara
-Have a positive attitude about class activities and I always make sure I am doing my best work
-Look for ways to add detail and extra effort to my work
-Willing to share ideas in small and large group situations
- I seek help when needed, and help others if I see a need
Star Example Paragraph:
I think I did really well in collaboration on my learning skills.  Any time there was either partner or group work, I made sure I stayed on task and fulfilled my responsibilities.  I didn’t sit around simply waiting for my group members to complete the tasks.  I made sure that I contributed and that I listened to the ideas of all my group members.  I allowed them to voice their ideas and questions and did not try to talk over them so that I could be heard.  I waited for my turn to speak after making sure I listened to my group members.  I also made sure that everyone in my group understood how we were completing the task.  I made certain that everyone had a role they could play _- I did not take over and do it all myself.  Instead, I made sure we worked as a team.  I also made sure that I collaborated in any class discussions we were having.  I wanted to be an active participant in my learning so I voiced my ideas and opinions whenever we were talking as a class.  This way Mrs. O'Hara could see if I was following the lesson and I myself could see if I was understanding what we were talking about!
 Wish Example Paragraph:
I need to try to add more detail to all of the tasks that I complete.  Sometimes my blog responses were extremely brief and lacked detail.  I often rushed to complete my tasks instead of taking my time.  I need to make sure that I am constantly checking the criteria that we create in class to ensure that I am meeting the expectations of my teacher.  I also need to read over everything I do and ask myself : “Is there any room for further detail?  Can I explain myself more clearly somewhere?”  Everything I submit for assessment needs to reflect my true potential and show what I am really capable of.  I can also ask some of my classmates to read my work over before I submit it.  I will choose classmates who always put 100 percent into everything they do, to read over my work.

Friday, November 8, 2013

National Novel Writing Month

Open the above link and explore.  If you are interested in writing a novel.....now is the time to begin.