"The writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master- something that at times strangely wills and works for itself."
Charlotte Bronte

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Jabberwocky Poem

How is the above poem - Jabberwocky by Lewis Carroll, like the poem
The Day the Dragons Won The Lottery?

Full text of Jabberwocky - above


  1. In "When the Dragonry Won the Lottery" there was a lot of words that we wouldn't use today like 'snobbery' you probably wouldn't go around saying that very often. In the Jabberwocky poem (which was freaky) there was a ton of words that we wouldn't use today like "Twas, brilling, slithy, mimsy, mome" I had no idea what he was going on about. It was a lot different from the other dragon poem. This one was really dark. The other was bright and happy with dragons frolicking everywhere! This one was the Jabberwocky coming to kill you and you killing the Jabberwocky. So they were pretty diferent.


  2. The two poems 'Jabberwockey' and 'THE DAY THE DRAGONS WON THE LOTTERY' were similar in the way where in both poems, many of the words in the poems do not exist. One way that the poems are different are that they have different tones in them. In the Jabberwocky poem, the hero murders a murderous dragon. With the other poem, (the dragons won the lottery) It is about dragons winning a lottery and acting all happy about winning a lottery, then learning that they only won $10.

  3. The two poems, 'Jabberwockey' and 'The day the dragons won the lottery' are similar, because they both have non-sensical words, and mythical creatures. The way the poems are different are that in 'The day the dragons won the lottery', the dragons seem friendly, and in the 'Jabberwocky', the dragon seemes terrible.

  4. This poem relates to "The Day the Dragonry Won the Lottery" because both of the poems have a bunch of made up words that don't exist in normal english. Also, there is a lot of rhyming involved in both of the poems.
