“Bye Cagney! See you tonight!” I screamed at my brother as he was leaving for his job planting flowers for snooty Mrs. Tifton down the street. Mrs. Tifton was an awful lady, who was forcing her son Jeffrey, (my friend) to go to military school, even though he wanted to be a pianist. Mrs. Tifton had a boyfriend named Mr. Dupree. Jeffrey, Sky, Jane, and I made a target for shooting arrows with rubber tips. It was of Dexter’s (Mr. Dupree’s) face, with his well known, mysterious smirk, right under his huge, bushy mustache. Skye and Jane were two of the Penderwick sisters, out of four. The other two were: the oldest, Rosalind, who I’m pretty sure has a crush on my older brother, Cagney. And Batty, who is 4, and never leaves home without her precious butterfly wings. Anyways, Batty and Rosalind were coming over because Batty liked our bunnies, Yaz and Carla. As I was going to the kitchen, I came across a half eaten brownie plate, and shoved one in my mouth. I heard a knock on the door.
“ Oh Yaaaaaz! I have your carrot!!!! I gulped down my brownie and rushed to the door. “Hi!,” said Rosalind, looking to the right, then to the left.
“ Is Cagney home?”
“No, he had to plant daisies for Mrs. Tifton.”
“Oh,” she sounded disappointed.
“Can you give him these when he gets back?” She was holding a plate of something wrapped in tinfoil.
“Will do.” Yaz hopped out from underneath a chair. Batty put a carrot on the ground, and watched in excitement as he nibbled on the treat. Carla hopped out and bumped Yaz to one side. She started to chomp the veggie down. I went to the cupboard and found a bag of parsley. I laid it on the ground as Rosalind shut the door and locked it tightly.
“Here,” I said as I took the plate from Rosalind and placed it on the counter. 6 minutes later Yaz and Carla were full. They both hopped back underneath the big chair.
“ Well, we better get going. Tell Cagney I said hi!”
“Bye bye Yaz!” Batty blew Yaz a kiss. They walked out of the screen door and slammed it shut. I went into the kitchen to check what was on the plate under the tinfoil.
“Yum! More brownies!” I yelled. Carla whimpered.
“ Sorry Carla,” I whispered. I scarfed down a brownie and ran to the closet next to the front door. I pulled out my red converse and threw them on. I quickly double knotted the laces and ran out the front door, locking it safely and securely.
Soon I was at the Penderwick porch.
“Hey,” said Skye and Jeffrey.
“FISH HEAD!” said Jane in a weird british accent. She was being Mick Hart. Mick Hart, the oh-so-talented center came from Manchester, England, was dreamt up by Jane. I saw that they were all playing some type of soccer.
“C’MON!” Screamed Skye. “YOU’RE ON MY TEAM!” I ran over to Jeffrey, who had the ball at the moment but before I could get it, he passed it to Jane who screamed,
“SILLY GIT!” Finally that was too much. Being called a fish head is one thing, but no one can stand being called a silly git by her younger sister, even when she doesn’t know what a git is.
“PASS IT TO ME!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Skye fell to the ground. It looked pretty bad, but then laughing demonically, Skye was suddenly on her feet and throwing herself at the ball. She walloped it towards Jeffrey.
“Jane’s the monkey!” she shouted triumphantly. A few minutes later, Jeffrey was the monkey, and he was mad. The ball was flying high in the air, and slowly, it fell down towards the gardens.
“ WAIT GUYS! THE GARDEN!” I yelled, but no one could hear me over Jane’s ( Mick’s ) screaming. I didn’t want to get in trouble - especially with Mrs. Tifton - so I made a run for it. Over the bushes, out the door, and up the stairs to the door of the apartment. I struggled to find the key, but when I did, I ( sweatily ) twisted it into the keyhole, and ran in. I kicked off my converse, and plopped myself down on the couch. I felt bad for Jeffrey, Skye, and Jane. In fact, I felt so bad that I took the brownies that were meant for Cagney, wrapped them up, and went over to Jeffrey’s house.
I went through the special entrance to the garden and I saw Jane. She looked fine, but she also looked like she was spying on someone.
“Hi Jane!” I said. I must have startled her because I made her drop a red notebook. I picked it up and gave it to her.
“ Oh good, its just you.” She said, relieved.
“Thanks,” She squeaked as she plucked the notebook out of my hands.
“So, what are you doing here?” I asked confused.
“And where are Skye and Jeffrey?” She hushed me with a wave of her hand. I saw a car pull up in the driveway, and rolled my eyes as Dexter Dupree came out.
“Ugh, what’s the big deal? It’s just Dexter!” Jane was still silent. Suddenly she ran out the garden and screamed,
“DEXTER! DEXTER!” I put my head in my lap. I had no idea why she wanted to talk to mean old Dexter, so I stayed and watched. I saw them talking, and then I saw Jane’s eyes tear up. She ran away to the Penderwick home, I was going to go after her, but I saw a backseat car door open, and I saw Jeffrey come out.
“So, did you see him? Was he there?” Skye said eagerly.
“I...I….I didn’t! Jane said as she burst into tears. I could hear, and see all of this from the front door. I knocked, but then got scared. I started to run away from the door, but tripped over something fluffy.
The things from the story are bold.