"The writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master- something that at times strangely wills and works for itself."
Charlotte Bronte

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

If I could only bring.....


  1. If I were in the same position as Hannah Brady and could only bring one item with me I would choose the pen my grandfather and grandmother gave to me at my first communion.
    The pen has my name and the year it was given to me inscribed into the sides of the pen, and surrounding it, all the things my grandparents thought I was good at or described me:
    - Success
    - Awesome
    - Excellence
    - #1 Achiever
    - Be the best
    - Confident
    - Enthusiasm
    - Attitude
    - Wisdom
    - Leadership
    I would bring it because it would help me push through the hard times and would remind me of my family.

  2. If I was in the same position as Hanna Brady and I could only bring one thing, I would bring a picture of my family because it would remind me of my family.

  3. If I were in the same position as Hanna Brady and I could only bring one item with me, I would bring a notebook and a pen because the notebook has quotes on it, so I could read them when I'm sad. Also, I could write down what is happening, and my feelings, and maybe I would feel better.


  4. If I were in the same position as Hanna Brady and I could only bring one thing, I would bring a picture of me and my family, because it would cheer me up when i am sad, and give me hope.

  5. If I could only bring one thing

    If I were taken away and could only bring one thing with me, I would bring a hockey puck. The reason I would bring a hockey puck is because hockey is one of my favourite sports and I have lots of memories involving hockey. Some of these memories include; spending lots of time with my Dad because he has always been my coach. Some other memories are winning minor hockey day, marking the select team and becoming the captain of the select team.

    And these are reasons I would bring a hockey puck with me if I were taken away, like Hannah Brady was.

  6. If I were in the same position as Hanna Brady and I could only bring one thing, I would bring my Mickey Mouse stuffed animal. I would bring my Mickey Mouse stuffed animal because I had it since I was really young and I carried it around everywhere I went. It also reminds me of my family and all the happy we had together like going to Disney, getting a dog, etc. and all the sad times because whenever I would get sad I would hug Mickey.

  7. If I were in the same position as Hanna Brady and I could only bring one thing I would bring
    my NASA sketch book because I was on vacation and my family bought it for me so
    it reminds me of my family and the good times I spent with my family.
    Also Inside my book is a picture of my family that
    reminds me of them too.
    and that would
    make me

  8. If I were Hanna Brady and I could bring one item, it would be my Toronto zoo coin because it would remind me of my school and my great experience at the Toronto zoo. It also makes me feel good when I hold it. This coin is the one item I would bring that satisfies me.

  9. If I could only bring one thing, it would be a picture of my bunny, and a picture of me with my sash and trophy from when I got fifth out of 32 people at a dance competition.
    These pictures are special to me because my dad, and my mom met eachother at that dance competition, and all my family danced at one point. Also because I would miss my bunny a lot.

  10. If I could only bring one thing with me, I would bring a notebook. I would bring a notebook because I like writing stories and drawing. I could write down what is happening. -Ella

  11. If I was Hanna Brady and I could bring one thing with me I would bring my first pencil case because it reminds me of when I moved schools and when I started a new life with new friends. It also reminds me that even if you start a life somewhere else you can always come out on top and you can end up being very happy.

  12. If I was in the same position as Hanna Brady, I would bring a family Christmas ornament. The ornament looks like my family with 5 clay figures crowding around each other. We got it in 2013 and it has all our names on it as well as a shovel that says “A Truong Family Christmas”.
    Ultimately I would bring this ornament with me because it means a lot to me sentimentally. For example, every Christmas, we hang it higher up on the middle of the tree. It is also the first ornament we got after my sister Alex’s first birthday.
    Overall, I would bring along this ornament with me because it means a lot to me emotionally.

  13. If I were in the same position as Hanna Brady and could only bring one item I would bring my Magnus Chase book that I got for my 11th birthday from my best friend. It’s a memory of him, and I really love to read.The book is a 50-something chapter book about Norse Gods and beasts, so it would last me a long time.

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  15. If I were in the same position as Hanna Brady and I could only bring one item with me, it would be my encyclopedia because it's a really good book for learning things, for example it shows non internationally recognized countries and labels them as such. The encyclopedia also has enormous sentimental value to me, my mom gave it to me five years ago, and it was my first big book . After reading it the (it took me two years ) I began to become interested in many of the things I like today.
