"The writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master- something that at times strangely wills and works for itself."
Charlotte Bronte

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Animal School - raising small souls

Which animal do you most clearly identify with and why? Perhaps you are a combination of animals. Draw a picture of yourself as one of the animals or a combination of the animals. Explain your choice.


  1. I can compare to the bee the most. mostly in one subject... GYM. Some people think I am very bad at it. But, i manage. (:

    Aidan Ryan

  2. I campair to the bee by doing things like seem very unnusual and unlikelylike the bees wings , also i do things that i dont want to like the squirril flying

  3. I think I mainly compare to the fish because I do not fit in a regular class, I fit in a gifted class. Also, I am very unique and have several differences from everyone else!!! :D

  4. I think I compare to the duck because I do well in one subject but bad in another so I have to put extra time into the one I'm bad at and I *just* manage in the one I previously had done well in.

  5. I think I'm like the eagle because I have my own way of doing things sometimes I might be a bit of a troublemaker

  6. I think i am like the bee because if i feel like im not good at a subject in school like math or spelling my parents encourage me and i push on no matter what anyone thinks.

