You wake up in the middle of the night on a cold stone floor. You don't know where you are or more importantly...
who you are. You try to remember, to no avail. You slowly walk around a small room. You find a few tables with advanced equipment that you don't recongnise. You can only guess your in a cellar or labratory. There is a wooden staircase to left corner of the room. You begin to ascend the stairs when you hear them creaking. Unsure that the stairs will hold you wait, you get to the top of them as fast as possible. At the top, there is a long hallway with only some fluorecent lights still on. Metal walls surround you. you walk to the right of the hallway and there is another turn going left. You reach the end and find a large door. you enter, what you see is demonic. Many tubes about eight ft. tall stand before you. Inside, are creatures that look like something out a Frankenstein movie. White bodies, with stiches all over. A lopsided, gaping mouth with fearsome teeth and worst of all, Long talons instead of hands. Suddenly, the lights fade out, and the tubes slowly, but surely, start to slide open. You think you may have a few moments before the abominations inside awake, but you hear a few groans that mean that some of them are starting to stir. '
Run!' you think to yourself. You do...who wouldn't? You hear thumping noises behind you...
Not Good! You look behind you to see if they are catching up. But there's nothing there. Then you see a bone white leg with stiches step around the corner. You run as fast as possible. You here a ear piercing scream and you almost trip over a fallen desk.
'What are these things!?' you wonder! You dart to the left, than right and then you look over your shoulder. They're very close! You find a rather large knife that you could use if you need to. You take the knife and run. You see a door with the words -EXIT- upon it. Suddenly, a wall crashes on you! You hear a hoarse groan on top of you. You have dust in your eyes, so you can't see. You feel metal pressing on your arm. You hope they can't see you under the rubble, but you can't be sure. Then you jump from where you are and bolt from where you are to where you
think exit is. You hear Thumping, and a roar! '
I'm not going to make it! I'm going to die!' you think to yourself. You wipe the dust out of your eyes and see that you're heading the right way! Then you see something... Something that you can't believe you didn't see.
On the roof, right above the door, there is a hulking mass of flesh and teeth... before you can stop running you get hit by it as it slowly extends its body. Then you are slowly dragged into it.
'So close' you think.
'So close... So close...... So close.
You wake up...Still alive.
How? You think. You don't have the knife. No defense...This is not good.
It's dark.
"WHO IS DOING THIS TO ME!" You scream. Suddenly, the lights activate. You see something...Horrible on the wall. The words
NO ESCAPE scratched deeply into the wall. As if somebody started an attempt to escape, and then learned it was futile.
Whoever wrote that in the wall was correct, there is no escape. You realize. You're trapped, forever.
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