"The writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master- something that at times strangely wills and works for itself."
Charlotte Bronte

Sunday, November 16, 2014


Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words can also hurt me.
Stones and sticks break only skin,
while words are ghosts that haunt me.

Slant and curved the word-swords fall
to pierce and stick inside me.
Bats and bricks may ache through bones,
but words can mortify me.

Pain from words has left its scar
on mind and heart that’s tender.
Cuts and bruises now have healed;
it’s words that I remember.
By Barrie Wade

Pick a phrase from the poem - for example..."words are 
ghosts that haunt me" and explain what it means to you. Write your own stanza that would fit this poem.


  1. “Cuts and bruises now have healed; it’s words that I remember.”

    This phrase in the poem that I chose means that you don’t have to worry about cuts and bruises, because you know they will heal, but if someone ever says something horrible, it could affect you forever.

    This is my new stanza for the poem:

    Words will creep up and scare me,
    While stones can never do that,
    Stone will hit the outside of me,
    While words affect inside forever.

    Everyone remember to not say anything bad to someone :D

    -Kiwi (Kieran)

    1. I also thought it would fit here:

      Sticks and stones may break my bones,
      but words can also hurt me.
      Stones and sticks break only skin,
      while words are ghosts that haunt me.

      Slant and curved the word-swords fall
      to pierce and stick inside me.
      Bats and bricks may ache through bones,
      but words can mortify me.


      Words will creep up and scare me,
      While stones can never do that,
      Stone will hit the outside of me,
      While words affect inside forever.

      Pain from words has left its scar
      on mind and heart that’s tender.
      Cuts and bruises now have healed;
      it’s words that I remember.

  2. Sticks and stones may break my bones,
    but words can also hurt me.
    Stones and sticks break only skin,
    while words are ghosts that haunt me.

    Slant and curved the word-swords fall
    to pierce and stick inside me.
    Bats and bricks may ache through bones,
    but words can mortify me.

    Pain from words has left its scar
    on mind and heart that’s tender.
    Cuts and bruises now have healed;
    it’s words that I remember.

    And here is mine:

    Falling down can hurt you,
    and give you a scrape,
    but words can torment you,
    to the point where you can’t escape.

    That is all.

    Thank you, thank you very much.


  3. I chose the line: Pain from words has left its scar.

    I think that it means that words can really hurt, and like scars, you bring them with you wherever you go, and you remember how it happened, and how the “scar” got there. It is really awful, because in some cases, when the words are very hurtful and mean, you remember them all, word for word.

    That is all.

    Thank you, thank you very much.


  4. “Pains from words has left its scar.”

    What this phrase means to me means the hurtful words the people say to you and call you can be as painful as a bruise. Like some bruises, they turn into scars which stay with you forever. Those words that people call you can stay with you like a scar. And you would never forget about it. Scars and hurtful words can bother you, and it can become worse. If you keep treating a bruise badly, it can get worse and even infected, just like if you keep hurting the victim with words, it can become worse, and the victim might miss school because of the “scar”. You can remember how you got your scar, and you can remember what they said about you.

    ~ Arabella

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    2. Forgot my stanza...

      The words surround my breaking heart,
      My confidence and I fall.
      The words trap me in this brutal world,
      I can no longer stand tall.

  5. The phrase I chose from the poem “Truth” is “Slant and curved the word-swords fall.” This phrase to me means that the words somebody is speaking to you is making you feel like curved and slanted swords are stabbing you.

    The stanza I made to fit in this poem is below:

    It feels like ice being thrown at me,
    except it’s words that terrify me.
    The bones inside are cracking,
    Like the words that still haunt me.

  6. Write your own stanza that would fit this poem.

    Stones and sticks make only scars,
    but it’s words that I remember.
    Words are like glue that stick to me,
    and the thing is, they never heal.


    Pick a phrase from the poem - for example..."words are ghosts that haunt me", and explain what it means to you.

    The phrase that I pick from the poem is “stones and sticks break only skin, while words are ghosts that haunt me”.I think that the phrase means that bruises and cuts can heal, but when it says “words are ghosts that haunt me”, it means that when someone says something to you, you can remember it.That is what it means when it says “haunt”.


  7. “Slant and curved the word-swords fall”

    I think what it means is that the writer is comparing the words as swords that are like stabbing you. Like whenever someone says something mean to you; It feels like these slant and curved swords that pierce and stick inside you.

    1. My stanza:
      Give me as much cuts as you want,
      I’ll just slap a band aid on them.
      But those words stab the inside of me
      And you can’t heal those wounds.

  8. Sticks and stones may break my bones,
    but words can also hurt me.
    Stones and sticks break only skin,
    while words are ghosts that haunt me.

    Slant and curved the word-swords fall
    to pierce and stick inside me.
    Bats and bricks may ache through bones,
    but words can mortify me.

    Pain from words has left its scar
    on mind and heart that’s tender.
    Cuts and bruises now have healed;
    it’s words that I remember.

    My stanza:Oh how many people have been murdered,
    by the terrifying swords,
    It is the same with me, except
    not a sword, it was a phrase that cut through me.

    I think that the phrase "Cuts and bruises now have healed;
    it’s words that I remember," means that you can be hurt physically and forget about it, and it will heal, but it's words that stick with you and always will be there to haunt you and make you remember about it.

    1. My stanza would probably fit in here:
      Sticks and stones may break my bones,
      but words can also hurt me.
      Stones and sticks break only skin,
      while words are ghosts that haunt me.

      Slant and curved the word-swords fall
      to pierce and stick inside me.
      Bats and bricks may ache through bones,
      but words can mortify me.

      Oh how many people have been murdered,
      by the terrifying swords,
      It is the same with me, except
      not a sword, it was a phrase that cut through me.

      Pain from words has left its scar
      on mind and heart that’s tender.
      Cuts and bruises now have healed;
      it’s words that I remember.

  9. Pain may leave a mark but never get bigger
    words break you down and linger.
    Pain feels like your whole body aches
    but words are like voices that play with your head.

    1. "Words are ghosts that haunt me"

      I think that means that words stick around and repeat in your head.
      I know this because I have felt this way at my old school, when other kids would say something mean it would stick in my head and make me feel bad every time I heard them. But since I am at this school now I don't feel that way (Which is awesome)

      Hey You! Check out my blog by going on my profile, It's called Pokemon and more blog so check it out if you want to :D


  10. Magma and lava burn only outside,
    while words burn inside me
    Magma and lava may hurt,
    but words can destroy me.

  11. I chose the stanza “Bat’s and bricks may ache through bones, but words can mortify me. This means that physically hurting someone does less damage than words and the words make you feel ashamed or humiliated or feel horrible. Some people don’t understand that words can hurt more emotionally than physically.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I shriek in agony when when I get bruised
    And grimace from the pain.
    But words and lies cause tears and cries,
    And just as much pain.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Names and jokes will never leave.
    Although I might regret them,
    those scrapes and blood will fade away.
    But words? I can’t forget them.

    1. I chose this line from the poem: “Cuts and bruises now have healed; it’s words that I remember.” I think it means that if you get hurt physically, then they’ll heal over time and you’ll forget about them, but with words it might not hurt as much later but you’ll still remember them no matter what.

  16. I chose the phrase "Bats and bricks may ache through bones, but words can mortify me." To me, "bats and bricks," symbolize all things that can physically hurt you. But, the pain from those things goes away. The rest of the line goes on to say that words an humiliate you, and that they can hurt even more than "bats and bricks."

  17. I think the phrase “Slant and curved the word-swords fall to pierce and stick inside me” means, like all different types of mean words are said to make the person feel bad. To make them feel sad. The mean words that were said were meant to “pierce and stick inside” them. To stay with them forever. To make them hurt. The words were meant to last, and to make the person always have a bad memory of that time; to pierce them, to scar their heart.

    My Stanza:

    You usually forget the little injuries
    that you have had in the past,
    but memories of words that have scared your heart,
    will last, and last, and last.

  18. Pick a phrase from the poem - for example..."words are
    ghosts that haunt me" and explain what it means to you. Write your own stanza that would fit this poem.

    Truth - By: Barrie Wade

    Sticks and stones may break my bones,
    but words can also hurt me.
    Stones and sticks break only skin,
    while words are ghosts that haunt me.

    Slant and curved the word-swords fall
    to pierce and stick inside me.
    Bats and bricks may ache through bones,
    but words can mortify me.

    My Stanza:
    Words that hurt, bring me down,
    and leave me there in pain.
    The words you say, stay inside me,
    and work its way, into my brain.

    Pain from words has left its scar
    on mind and heart that’s tender.
    Cuts and bruises now have healed;
    it’s words that I remember.

    The stanza I chose is: “Cuts and bruises now have healed, it’s words that I remember.” This stanza to me, means that the cuts and bruises, have healed but the words that they said, will still be remembered, and won’t heal like the cuts and bruises did.
    ~ Jaime

  19. Sticks and stones may break my bones,
    but words can also hurt me.
    Stones and sticks break only skin,
    while words are ghosts that haunt me.

    Slant and curved the word-swords fall
    to pierce and stick inside me.
    Bats and bricks may ache through bones,
    but words can mortify me.

    Pain from words has left its scar
    on mind and heart that’s tender.
    Cuts and bruises now have healed;
    it’s words that I remember.

    My part:

    My skin protects me from stone and sticks
    and all that trys to hurt me.
    My skin is strong against all that’s wrong,
    but words will penetrate me.

    “Words can mortify me”
    I chose this phrase because it is really true.
    Words can really hurt and can mortify you.
    They can make you embarrassed and ashamed, and can hurt you deep down.

  20. Plz anybody tell me the summary of this poem in 8 to 10 lines. I really need it

  21. Plz anybody tell me the summary of this poem

  22. will you please write complete summery of the poem
