"The writer who possesses the creative gift owns something of which he is not always master- something that at times strangely wills and works for itself."
Charlotte Bronte

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dragon Rock - Short Story

Read the above short story.  Compare the dragon in the story to dragons from books or movies you have seen.


  1. This dragon was much different from dragons I have read about in other books. For one, the dragon had eye lashes, not similar to anything really, and second the dragon was kind and he could talk. Unlike everthing else I've ever heard. In Harry Potter the dragons are ferocious and they definetly cannot talk. In other books the dragons are sometimes friendly, but they stll can't talk. I think the only other story I have read was the "how to train your dragon"series, and that was only in the last book where ONE dragon could talk,but he was the leader or something. So my point is,the story really wasn't like any other story I've read.


  2. One of the reasons why the dragon in the story is so different from other dragons is because most people think of dragons as mean fire breathing dragons, but they can be nice too. I this case the dragon is nice and helps the people in the village. Also, the dragon's characteristics were different because the face was similar to a human face. I have not read a dragon story (that I can remember) but I think they are for people who like fiction (not me)

  3. This dragon is not very similar to many dragons i have heared of, mostly because it was all happy and talked, and all the other dragons I have heared of, from fantasy and adventure books are usually evil, do not talk, and don't sneeze. so this dragon was a bit odd to me

  4. The dragon in this story differs from normal dragon lore. They are seen as evil creatures that breath fire and steal treasure. For example, in 'The Hobbit', Smaug is an evil dragon that kills millions of dwarves in the mountain of Eribor, steals all the treasure, and doesn't use it. This dragon, however, saves a town and likes to swim! (even though water is a dragons worst fear.) This dragon reminds me of the dragon form the story, 'The Reluctant Dragon.' AIDAN :3

  5. This dragon is very different then the dragons in Harry Potter they are ferosuis and don't have eyelashes they also don't sneeze at least I don't think they do. This dragon is much different than a dragon in a book I read when I was in grade 3 he could talk and breathe fire but, he was evil as well. The only nice dragon I know other than this one is that dragon Donkey married in Shrek

  6. I read a book like this. I was called 'The Dragon Keeper', only the little girl was the only one that understood the dragon, unlike this story. The dragon in 'The Dragon Keeper' could bring rain as well, but by flying into the sky, and draging and squeezing the cloudes. He was also a nice dragon, and could swim, and he was very old, and in another book, I read about a dragon who had been asleep for a long time.

  7. I have read some books from the "How to Train Your Droagon" series by Cressida Cowell, and all the dragons speak dragonese, not English or whatever lanauge the dragon and people in this story spoke. Plus, this dragon is like a water dragon of some sort, and I have never heard about one doing anything this dragon did in any other dragon story I have heard. Well, actually I recall a book called "Dragon Rider" and the dragon did speak, but of couse all the animals in the story speaked, so I guess that doesn't count. Also, this dragon helps the villagers and it wasn't mean or fire breathing, but of course not all of our baby dragons that we "hatched" breath fire.

  8. The dragon is kind of like a dragon in the movie Dragonheart because the dragon is a nice dragon, but in Dragonheart the dragon gives a prince half his heart and in this story the dragon just gives people water.

  9. This dragon story remins me of HOW TO Tran Your Dragon beause in the movie the dragons save and teach the vikings a lesson, that dragons are more then vishos beasts that have feelings. In the story dragon rock the dragon comes out of it's rock shell and gives water to the people of the town.
